Coupons are a great way to offer discounts and rewards to your customers, and can help promote sales across your shop.
With the Manage Coupon feature, coupons can be configured and added to the site for customers to access specific promos and discounts. Coupons are unique, 12 character, alphabetic codes.
Coupons management becomes available once an applicable Rate Rule is configured.
Adding a coupon
- Navigate to the bottom of the newly created rate rule, Coupons > Manage Coupons
Adding 1 coupon
- On the new page, click either Add Coupon or Add New
- The system will autofill the coupon code field. Edit if required.
- Click Add New Coupon to save the created coupon.
Adding Multiple Coupons
- Navigate to the bottom of the newly created rate rule and click Coupons > Manage Coupons
- On the new page, click Tools
- On the Tools page, choose one of the following;
- Generate
- Number of coupons - Default is 10 but more can be generated. Put the number of coupon codes that need to be generated/added then click Generate.
- Import
- Ready-made coupon codes can be imported via a CSV file. Codes must be unique, contain only letters and be 12 characters long. The CSV file must contain the codes only in the first column, with no column heading.
- Generate
- To see all the coupon codes that have been generated, click Coupons at the top menu bar.
- Use the Export tool to view Unused / Used / Cancelled coupons.