Once Offers have been published, they can be promoted or displayed on the website for bookings. There are a number of ways to promote published Offers
This is the best way to promote published and upcoming Offers as the homepage slider is the first thing your customers will see when visiting your site. It's the large visual element at the top of the page, below the header that the booking widget attaches to.
Please Note: The booking widget is anchored to the Homepage Slider and the widget configuration affects how you can use the slider. More information on how these interact with each other can be found in this guide: Media Specifications/Configuration
See example offer below:
Published offer
How the offer will look on the Homepage Slider
Via a content block on the Homepage
Offers can also be promoted or displayed on the homepage by adding Content Blocks on the Front Page
To add a Content Block, navigate to Dashboard > Pages > All Pages
Locate the Front Page and either click "Edit" or just simply click the page title.
Scroll down and locate Content Tiles section
Click "Add Row" and all the layout options will be displayed. The easiest way to promote or display all published Offers is via the Offers Carousel.
The Offers Carousel block is very simple and straightforward. Just complete the fields and all published offers will be collated and displayed on the Front Page.
Show Description option
CTA Text
Autoscroll option
Once done, click Update.
Preview the page, as below to see the changes.