Upgrade Offers are displayed on the final booking step and give the customer the opportunity to upgrade their vehicle choice. The total price difference between the chosen vehicles and the upgrade is displayed. The customer can choose to add this amount to their overall total and upgrade the vehicle selection in the vehicles details box.
To create an Upgrade Offer, select the Upgrades > Add New in the CMS.
Offer Vehicle: use the drop down to select the vehicle that the upgrade will be offered against i.e this will be the vehicle the customer chooses in their initial search.
Upgrade - Vehicle: use the drop down to select the vehicle the customer will be offered as an upgrade.
Backup Upgrade - Vehicle: use the drop down to select a backup upgrade vehicle, in the event that the first upgrade vehicle is not available. This is optional but recommended.
Background Image: upload an image at least 648x200. Recommend using a patterned/non-specific image as it will mostly be concealed by the text overlay.
Background Colour: select a colour to be used as an alternative to an image.
Upgrade Titles
Upgrade Title: text to be shown in the Upgrade Offer title; e.g. "Upgrade Your Vehicle Now"
Button Label: text to be shown on the acceptance button; e.g. "Upgrade Now".