The Vehicles Settings tab is where the universal vehicle details can be edited. Any changes made within this tab will apply to all vehicles.
To configure vehicle settings, in the CMS go to Vehicles > Vehicle Settings.
No Vehicles Found: text displayed to the customer when there are no vehicles found for the criteria supplied.
Related Vehicles Headline: headline text displayed above suggested related vehicles. Related vehicles are displayed at the bottom of a vehicle details page.
Open in Modal: Toggle this feature to check more details about the vehicle without leaving the vehicle-catalogue page.
Title Template: use a combination of parameters and hard coded text to create a vehicle title. Parameters utilise information from vehicle details. Available parameters include: {category} {title} {makeModel} {sippCode} {orSimilar} {exactMatch}.
Subtitle Template: use a combination of parameters and hard coded text to create a vehicle subtitle. Parameters utilise information supplied in vehicle details. Available parameters include: {category} {title} {makeModel} {sippCode} {orSimilar} {exactMatch}. This field can also be left blank.
Features Headline: headline text displayed above vehicle feature tiles on vehicle details page.
Enable Book Button: enable/disable to display a Book Button on the vehicle details page. When enabled, Book Button Text field appears to change the text shown on the book button. When the book button is clicked, the customer will be redirected to the booking widget at the top of the page.
Feature Labels
Fields for updating vehicle feature label text across all vehicles.