Booking Alerts can be used to highlight useful information on your website.
There are three styles of Booking Alert; Info, Warning and Promo.
To configure booking alerts, select the Booking Alerts tab in the CMS and click "Add New".
1. Listing Name: give your booking alert an identifying title; this isn't displayed to the customer.
2. Style: Select a style; Info, Warning, Promo.
3. Content: enter the information the booking alert will display to the customer.
4. Placement Location: placement locations depicted in Promo style (green) below;
*Vehicle selector will appear on the configuration screen when this placement location is selected.
#Selector for Pick Up/Drop Off/Both will appear on the configuration screen when this placement location is selected.
5. Date Range: time frame for the booking alert to be displayed on website. If left blank, booking alert will be displayed until it is removed.
6. Only if this CDP is Used: booking alert will only display if applicable CDP/Rate/Promo code is used.
7. Only if No CDP is Entered: booking alert will only display if no CDP/Rate/Promo code is entered.
8. Only for Selected Depots: select applicable depots. If no depots selected, booking alert will display for all depots.
Once you have configured your Booking Alert, click "Save Changes" and "Publish/Update". Booking alerts can be previewed on the staging site by running a test rates search.