During the booking process, it is useful to have your customers acknowledge they have read the Terms and Conditions. This is achieved by having the customer tick a check box at the end of the booking process. You can also configure additional acknowledgements using this process.
Before configuring Terms Check Boxes you will need to create and publish the information being acknowledged (such as your Terms and Conditions). This can be done by creating a new page. Linking to information is optional; you can create just a simple acknowledgement box; e.g. I agree that no one under the age of 25 will drive the rental vehicle.
Once you have your information published, go to Booking > Terms and click "Add New".
1. Checkbox Label: this is the title of your Terms Checkbox. Use {link} and {/link} to create a link to your information (if applicable); e.g. I agree to the {link}Terms & Conditions{/link}.
2. Optional: enable this to make the Terms box optional (i.e. the customer doesn't have to check it to proceed with making their booking)
3. GDPR: CarPro clients only. Enable this checkbox to send GDPR confirmation through to reservation system.
3. Extended Content
Terms Page: Select the page that contains the information to be acknowledged. This is optional and only required if {link} is used in the checkbox label.
Button Label: When clicked, expands and displays the extended content. Only applicable if extended content is being used.
4. Conditional Filters
Date Range: to apply a term to a certain date range.
Driver's Age: to apply a term to a certain age group.
Vehicles: to apply a term to certain vehicle/s only.
Depots: to apply a term to certain depot/s only.
Payment Rule: only applicable where pay now/pay later tiered pricing is configured. Allows for alternative term check boxes to be displayed depending on payment type selected during booking process.
Next: Manage Booking