Relocations or One Way Rentals are used by many companies to offset the cost of using transportation services to redistribute fleet. They are usually offered as free/heavily discounted rentals and/or pay petrol only.
To create a new relocation offer go to Relocations in the CMS menu.
1. Add a new relocation offer - Click the "Add New" button
2. Title - add a title for your relocation offer. When you add this, a new permalink will be created for your relocation offer.
3. Description - add some text about your relocation offer in the large text box.
4. Vehicle - select the vehicles that are available in the relocation offer.
5. No. Available to Sell - set the number of vehicles available for the relocation offer. Each time a relocation offer is booked, the counter will reduce by one until all available units have been booked, at which time the relocation offer will be no longer available.
6. Pick Up Location - use the drop down to select Pick Up location.
7. Return Location - use the drop down to select Return location.
8. Date Range - use the date selector to configure the Start and End dates of the relocation offer
9. Promo Code - enter the Promo Code (per your reservation system) that applies to the relocation offer
10. Short Description - add a short description to be displayed above the main description on the relocation offer page. This field can also be left blank.
11. Terms and Conditions - enter a Title and Text for any Terms and Conditions that apply to the relocation offer.
12. Page Header - from the drop down, select how you want your header to look. Select if you want to show/hide Category Tabs and Breadcrumbs.
13. Featured Image - add an image for the relocation offer.
When you have finished creating your Relocation Offer, click "Update" and use the "Preview Changes" button to view the Relocation Offer on your staging site.
To create a page that displays all relocation offers in one place, go to Pages and click "Add New".
In the Page Attributes box on the right hand side, use the Template drop down to select "Catalogue - Relocations"
Complete all fields on this page as follows:
1. Title - add a title for your relocation offers page. When you add this, a new permalink will be created for your relocation offers page.
2. Description - add some text about your relocation offers in the large text box.
3. SEO fields - more information can be found here.
4. Page Header - from the drop down, select how you want your header to look. Select if you want to show/hide Category Tabs and Breadcrumbs.
5. Related Content Tiles - use the "Add Row" button to add related content; other depots, vehicles, deals. This will only work once this content has also been created.
When you have finished creating your Relocation Offers Page, click "Update" and use the "Preview Changes" button to view the Relocation Offers Page on your staging site.
Use the staging site to run a few test searches on the relocation offer pages. Relocation offers should also appear in regular searches where request details match relocation offer criteria.